教外之教导 Teachings Outside of Bud
2-1-1-3. Teachings Outside of Buddhism 教外之教导...拆解当下──正思的作用
拆解当下──正思的作用[作者] 坦尼沙罗尊者 [中译]良稹 Untangling the Present ── The Role of Appropriate Attention by Ven. Thanissaro Bhikkhu 心智活动若非复杂,其困苦亦当单纯易解。佛...念住呼吸与禅定开示 禅修前行
禅修前行我现在解说如何修习禅定。开始前,跪下来,双手合十置于心前,虔诚礼敬三宝,口诵下文: Arahaṃ sammā-sambuddho bhagavā: Buddhaṃ bhagavantṃ abhivādemi 薄伽梵[7]是阿罗汉、...佛陀对世间知识的态度
佛陀对世间知识的态度世间的知识无助于纯净的宗教生活和解脱。...自然的代价 第六十六回
厌离(nibbida)是厌恶常、乐、我、净的颠倒,厌恶贪瞋痴的纠缠。在阿含经谈到厌离是:「当观色无常,如是观者,则为正观,正观者则生厌离,厌离者喜贪尽,喜贪尽者,说心解脱。」(...静坐与喜悦之路 脑筋不生锈
阿姜敦: 法语微言[英译]坦尼沙罗尊者 [中译]良稹 Gifts He Left Behind——The Dhamma Legacy of Ajaan Dune Atulo (Phra Rajavuddhacariya) Compiled by Phra Bodhinandamuni Translated from the Thai by Thanissar...教内之教导 The Teachings inside Bud
2-1-1-4. The Teachings inside Buddhism 教内之教导The word VIPASSANA translates as realizing and truly seeing. Seeing what? Seeing impermanence, instability and non-selfhood. When having insight, one views things differently than before. It is a ...版权所有:金刚经结缘网